comeback special comming soon

Bullet In Board


The tittle above is taken from the character setup from a variety show in Korea namely Running Man

Tiger refer to KJK or Kim Jong Kok aka Sparta kok.
The little betrayer refer to the shortest guy in Running man named HaHa.
The Monday couple refer to the member of lee ssang known as Gary.

And this 3 guys recently made a collaboration on a song called "Words I Want To Say To You" it is in korean but it is so addictive. and here is the song if you want to hear it.

what surprise me is that the tiger voice is so nice and soft despite having a though and terminator like image on the variety show. I guess that is why he is still so popular with all his muscle that show much manly side his voice on the other hand show the soft side of him and that is a very rare combination.

[RVW] Robotic;Notes


    The anime i`m waiting the most for this new season. so in order to celebrate it i decide to make some review about the anime thus promoting it. fuhu. so here goes.

   The synopsis and the trailer for me does not go/explain mix well. The synopsis explain that the story resolve around the school robot club where the club is about to lose it club status. The club have 2 member Senomiya Akiho, the club leader and Yashio Kaito the only club member they has. So to prove the relevance of existence this club the club leader Senimiya Akiho aim to build a gaint robot, but Yashio Kaito the club member doesn`t seem to care where his interest is a robot fighting games. The story start when Yashio Kaito find the Robotic;Notes where he decide to build his own robot fighting games. So what about the giant robot? and the trailer show so much unexplained character, so i guess that the story actually contain so much more that will eventually mind fucking US.
     Here are the trailer :-

P/s: by the way the series start this October and the review for every episode will be done and will be updated on this very thread/post :)


I`m so bored and don`t have much to do either so i explore the youtube for more Robotic;Notes time and info and i find this video. SO, come on Let`s us sing!! XD

Episode 1: Because Ganvarel is waiting

Episode 2: Because we are romantic with hopes and dreams

Episode 3: Tanegashi Accel Impact



Hari ini nk share satu komuniti website ni, untuk mana-mana yang bercita-cita nak jadi programmer tu tp xda master website ini ada banyak tutorial yang best-best aku pom baru jugak jumpe website ni so x dapat la nak ulas banyak-banyak tp aku tgh ikut diorang punyer tutorial pasal software Unity, engine untuk programming game biase la script kiddie je tiru-tiru klu dapat result same cam die ajar pom dah kire best dah... ye la kan dah 1 ape pom programming language tak reti camner nk jadi pro T.T.

[SHR] Fall Anime 2012

A list of Anime yang akan kuar untuk fall season kali ni >>click here to see it<<

dan ini antara anime-anime yang akan aku layan... dan yang lain maybe tunggu feedback dari member2 yang lain baru join layan

REASON: Ini anime selepas chaos;head dan stein;gate. chaos;head dan stein;gate tu citer die best giler so aku harap citer robotic;note ni pom best gak, die ada game die tp untuk ps3 dan xbox360 klu nak tgk triller die ke ape leh la search kat youtube.

REASON: Dah ikut dari stage 1st lagi and come on sape yang x suke drift? drifting is AWESOME~ :D


Aku selalu ada rasa cam nk menulis tp tak tau nk tulis ape. So, pada beberapa hari yang lepas aku try la tulis-tulis and datang la satu idea untuk tulis cerita ni. Nuf said enjoy... T.T


Bab 0, Permulaan

“Aku kat mane ni? tempat ape ni?”
sambil memerhatikan keadaan sekeliling. Meliar mata memeriksa.

“whoa! ni kan terminal kereta api, camner aku boleh sampai sini”
mengaru kepalanya kebingungan sambil cuba untuk mengingati apa yang telah berlaku. Melihat keadaan sekelilingnya yang sunyi sepi dia semakin kebingugan.

“Ah~ lantaklah”
berdiri dan bergerak kearah kanan terminal kemudian ke bahagian kanan terminal. Minda dia yang tadinya telah tenang sekarang kembali panic.

“Terminal ape ni!? Kenapa aku tak jumpa pun jalan keluar ni!!”
teriak dia seorang diri sambil terduduk bersandar ke dinding bersebelahan dengan kerusi tempat dia bangkit dari tidurnya tadi.

“Ape bala la yang dah menimpa aku ni?”
“kat mane sebenarnye aku ni?”
Begitu banyak persoalan yang bermain di minda dia sekarang. Setelah berberapa minit berlalu dia kembali tenang dan mula menggunakan mindanya dengan rasional.

“Relex~ apa yang aku ingat sebelum aku kat sini…”
“Oh ya aku tengah cari skop untuk aku laporkan untuk artikel “9099”!”


Bab 1, Dia

Biasalah orang bujang paginya dikejutkan oleh bunyi jam loceng yang menjegkelkan, jam menunjukkan pukul 6.00 pagi. Waktu untuk dia bangun tetapi dia tiada di katilnya.

“Tidur yang amat menyengarkan~~”
“selamat pagi dunia, dengan harapan hari ini lebih baik dari sebelumnya”
Begitulah setiap pagi dia, namun keadaan bilik dia kelihatan lebih teruk dari sebelumnya baju yang bertaburan pinggan mangkuk yang tidak berjaga biasalah orang bujang. Kalau lah orang tuanya melihat keadaannya yang sekarang ini mesti mereka akan bertanyakan perihal status bujangnya itu, bukan apa buat pengganti orang tuanya untuk menjaga makan minum nya bimbang akan kesihatannya itu dengan persekitaran yang tidak sihat itu. Tapi kedua ibu bapanya telah pun tiada jadi tiada siapa yang ambil tahu perihalnya itu, ahli keluarganya yang lain pun sudah tiada. Kedua-dua ibu bapanya dulu adalah ahli prajurit Negara dan keduanya telah terkorban dalam usaha memperjuangkankan kemerdekaan Negara. Oleh kerana itu, dia merasakan adalah tanggungjawab dia untuk mempertahankan kemerdekaan Negara-nya yang diperjuangkan oleh orang tuanya itu. Namun dia tidak mengikut jejak kedua orang tuanya, dia memilih untuk melakukannya melalui media massa, kerana dia berpendapat dengan kaedah ini lebih sesuai dengan Negara diplomatic ini dan penerimaan masyarakat yang serba moden ini. Lagi pun dia tidak mahu senasib dengan kedua orang tuanya yang mana mayatnya pun tidak dapat ditemukan.
“Oh dem dah lewat ni masak aku dalam trafik jem tu nanti”
Kehidupan Bandar yang sentiasa bergerak pantas, jam baru menunjukkan 6.30 pagi begitulah pagi dia, “nak seribu daya, tak nk seribu dalih” dia tidak penah mengeluh dengan keadaan ini.
“Selamat pagi Akma”
sambil meningalkan kopi yang dibeli ketika dalam perjalanannya tadi.
Balas Akma gadis yang bekerja sebagai penyambut tetamu di firma tempat dia bekerja. Gadis ini sekampung dengan dia itu sebablah layananya extra sedikit orang kampong la katakan. Setibanya di bilik pejabat dia terus bersiap-siap untuk menjalankan tugasnya untuk menyampaikan berita-berita terkini dan tepat kepada orang ramai. Tok! Tok! Tok! Belum sempat menaip di computer ribanya sudah ada yang mahu mengganggunya. Pintu terus dibuka tanpa menunggu kebenarannya. Begitulah perangai boss nya Samad bila dia ada cerita yang penting untuk dia pastikan.
“Ya boss ada apa ni? Cerita baru ke ecited sangat ni?”
Dia menyambut kehadiran samad boss dia itu dengan hati terbuka.
“Tau-tau je ko ni muhahahhahahhahha”
Lagi banyak cerita lagi menguntungkan bagi samad ini dan si dia ni pula perupakan seorang journalist yang hebat, penuh professionalism dan banyak diantara pembaca syarikat ini mengikuti keluarannya kerana yakin dan percaya dengan penulisan si dia ini.


[SHR] My New Calculator |Event Thread|

Baru je beli T.T dah jadi bengung menda alah ni tibe2 je die jadi terbalik/mirrored sape2 pernah alami menda camni share2 ar cara penyelesaian die ok? T.T

[SHR] Spirit Possession |Motivational Thread|

The Entries is a about a book that I bought a few days ago titled "Become the person you have always wanted to be" -- by Steve Chandler. I haven`t finish it yet but I decide to record what ever I understand from it and share it through the Blog...


Tear open your cocoon

"most of us today live in cocoons"

Is how the writer explain that many of us today stuck in a cocoons a place where we feel trapped but in reality we are not, the writer explain it is because we tell our self repeatedly that at some point we feel like it`s the truth. A cocoon later is explain is a personality that oneself created and thus trap in it, However those who learn and make an effort to break that cocoon even thought they failed many time make oneself think of a way to breakthrough and finally learn to Fly and enjoy taking full possession of their own freedom.

[DOC] TIDUR... zZzZz~

"How Television Ruined Your Life... Don`t Say it didn`t it did"

Ayat ni aku terdengar kat dalam 1 rancangan TV mat saleh specific lagi BBC "How Television Ruined Your Life" based on ape yg rancangan TV tu bagi tau TV telah mempengaruhi kita dalam banyak perkara cume kite je x perasan sehinggakan mengakibatkan jangkaan kita terhadap sesuatu perkara melebihi dari realiti...

dan sebagai konklusi-nyer aku terpaksa mengiayakan apa yang disampaikan dari rancangan tu sbb aku adalah salah satu mangsa huhuhu... maybe korang akan cakap yang takkan la nk percaya menda-menda yang kuar kat TV tu budak-budak leh ar tipu... but what can i say aku ada minda yang sangat kebudak-budakan...

So the Topic is camner aku leh terkena...
Answer is I`m a fatasy/fiction/scifi genre lover... so basically sume menda yang aku layan adalah mustahil but at some point that kind of thought began to fade and you will start believe in everything they show no matter how impossible it is for human to achieve the stuff they did why? because it AWESOME just because of that...

Let me give an example of AWESOME movie like "THE DARK KNIGHT" after watching that movie, and still are, I start believe that looking at what the society has become now we do really need a hero like that, I start believe in that we need HEROES. Like some rich bastard would happily spend their money energy and time to save a stranger and try to make or influence people to be good and do good. but in reality the rich don`t give a damn about common people like us they would rather spend their time making more money even as we speak. Let`s say that they have time, they would rather spend their time enjoying their wealth. But that is from my point of view, you not sure about you guys...

Another example is a movie called "VENDETTA" an awesome movie about REVOLUTION and stand for what is right and what an idea is all about. it is a fiction and how one man can bring a corrupt government to the ground and buried them. Did you read the statement "one man stand up to the corrupt government and succeed" even as you read it you know it a load of bollocks but I start to see it as a important history event... yeah this is how fucked up my mind is...

But enough with the example and get to the point Tidur and how i get messed up. Okay here is the thing i`m so into this movie called "DEATH NOTE" there is a manga, an animation, and a live action movie about it, so basically speaking a really popular story. so there is this one character the the second to the main character called by the name L this guy is some AWESOME that I try to become like him and this is where the problem start the L guy devoted him self into serving the community his way of justice and his justice being a detective, bringing the law to the bad guys. This guys never/rarely sleep where he think he should always be on watch in order to monitor the world and also his safety. I order to copy his way of life I try not to sleep and do things that I consider to be help full to the community and guess what EPIC FAIL. And that is the whole point of the story...

So in order to get back my life I spend my time searching on how to have a good night sleep. People say I look like shit with the dark circle all around my eyes and here are some good site that explain what is sleep all about and I would like to share it with who ever visiting my blog THE END.

Sleep Prob Much?


So even as we speak ,28 july 2012 the header is still ugly and unfinished need to find a way that will make this header to show the coolness of this blog. At first i find that a flash will be able to do just that but as the blog continues to progress there are feedback saying "this flash make my blogging experience so lagging" or something like that so I decide to look for other alternative and remember about this new HTML5 and about the canvas tag.

So in my journey on pursuing a solution for this problem I find that the function of a canvas tag and a flash.swf is kind of like the same because both can be use to generate an animation but canvas use more coding and flash interface are more friendly user. for low internet speed connection the canvas work`s better that a flash, but of course flash provide more refresh rate for second than the canvas tag but of course their purpose is the same. Thus where it finally up to us to choose which one, and my decision being the canvas tag because I want to overcome the problem with the low speed internet user and this is not a grand website which require an AWESOME stunning webpage...

While I`m discovering HTML5 canvas tag, I faced a culture shock where in flash we can draw line and shape and adjust it however we like to but in canvas tag where everything is in code and and some calculation must be done before making the shape, so it is quite hard for me...

But I`m still new need more time on this but I think it is a good investment for me to spend my time for learning this new language.

This is where all my reference are for the time being